What is at the core of case verification? : Measuring the results and outcomes of program interventions

Foundation for Civil Society’s core niche is working with organizations implementing interventions at grass-root levels as the majority of citizens reside in these areas.  In ensuring that interventions achieve the desired results and outcomes in line with the strategic plan, results from programs are compiled using a case-based system.

This system was piloted immediately after the revision of the theory of change and the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) framework and it includes the following levels of cases;

  1. Unverified changes from grantees reports or monitoring visits referred to as claims
  2. Verified claims generated by staff after in-depth follow up, referred to as cases

Significant changes are thoroughly examined individually or across cases to produce high-quality cases. FCS has opted for these cases to be examined semi-independently through consultants.

Why Case Verification is conducted
FCS must verify cases compiled in grantee reports that are submitted before they are published and shared with Government institutions, Donors, Development Partners and the community at large. The case verification exercise is conducted after every quarter to confirm that what has been reported is in-fact true, factual, evidence-based and not vague. The cases that are selected for verification are based on significance, impact, and validity in the community.
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning Department (MERL) at FCS is responsible for coordinating and verifying the cases. In this first quarter, FCS has planned to conduct its first exercise of case verification in February 2020 with not less than 50 cases planned for verification.

Guestard Haule, MELR Manager for Foundation for Civil Society with Ward Level Officials that accompanied them and the team from the Mazombe Mahenge Organization who implemented participation in planning and budgeting project in Kilolo DC where the villagers in Kilumbwa village prepared 102,500 bricks for construction of 4 classrooms, village office, and teacher’s toilets.

FCS MERL Manager, Guesturd Haule said, “Our MELR framework requires the documentation of cases; thus the verification process is needed, we want to show the impact of our grantees interventions using the method of case studies. Why did we decide this?. We noted that our grantees needed a better way to capture these cases in their true essence.

So, the case verification method is also used as a way to help improve the results we get in the form of evidence of our work at the same time helping grantees to understand how to capture results because when we go into the field for case verification, they can see and bear witness to how we go about capturing the information. Cases are also captured so that others can learn and reflect on them. We don’t only focus on capturing the results alone but also other aspects including worst-case scenarios.”