7. What is Due Diligence?

Due diligence visits are essential in assessing the FCS’s risks before committing its time and money. All new applicants who have successfully passed the screening process will undergo due diligence exercise (Except those that will qualify for a waiver as indicated under risk management chapter). During Due Diligence FCS commissions, a physical reality check on all prospective grantees. This exercise is meant to establish the authenticity of the prospective grantees, assess internal organization capacity as well as the relationship of the organization with its stakeholders, beneficiaries and the local authority. In carrying this exercise among other issues, the consultants will use a Due Diligence questionnaire  to be provided by FCS  The exercise will be conducted by a firm that will be appointed through the normal procurement process. Results of the Due Diligence  exercise will be presented in the management meeting  and reports submitted to the Finance and Operations Department.

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