The following are the three types of grants provided bya FCS: –
- Strategic Grant:This is the largest grant that FCS provides and targets well established Civil Society networks, umbrella organizations and Civil Society Organizations working at National level with strong track record in managementof funds and demonstrable national impact.Organizations of this nature are supported as “cluster leaders” that is, they are deemed the leader in the cluster or thematic area that they operate for example – leader in Public Expenditure Tracking or Social Accountability Monitoring; leader in advocacy against gender based violence and harmful traditions etc. Organizations to be supported under this window are those that design their programmes in a manner that they will be able to work with local CSOs working on their theme and use the lessons learnt from local level to influence national level advocacy while using lessons from national level to impact to the local level interventions.
- Medium Grants:This type of grants carries the bulk work of FCS’s grant making interventions. This type of grant targets mid-level organizations that have demonstrated capacity in both project and financial management.
- Innovative Grants:The innovative grants target organizations that will implement their own creative solutions to challenges facing communities. This window also gives an avenue for smaller and relatively new and nascent organizations with outstanding ideas to solve governance challenges in their localities to access grants from FCS. It also involves organizations that will receive grant size below 50,000,000/= and who intend to implement projects across the country but within the outcome areas as set by FCS
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