How PETs has improved learning environment

With support from Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) Kijogoo facilitated the formation of a Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETs) committee. The members of the committee were elected by people in the village community meeting. Also, they were later trained on PETs techniques and on best ways to obtain information on income and expenditure in schools.  The aim was to ensure citizenry in Mahenge are aware and enabled to monitor the expenditure of public fund and other resources available in schools to ensure the school-initiated projects keep accepted standard and value for money.

Sharing on how she became a member of PETs committee of which Kijogoo facilitated its formation one member, Ms Joyce Shikanga said ‘‘the village meeting was called and we got proposed by the meeting and elected.’’

How PETs has supported feeding in School
After the committee was formed and trained on PETs techniques, they started to monitor a school in Mahenge Urban. They found that despite the fact that the school owns business premises for renting there was no openness on income earned. On this Ms Joyce added; ‘‘we went to demand openness from the school administration who didn’t like the idea the first time when we met them. At the end, due to our follow ups, they accepted our demand for openness which was also supported by the school committee. There was improved money collection thereafter’’. Also, she hastened to add that; ‘‘Now the parents are contributing TZS 6,300/- per month instead of TZS 9,600/- they were supposed to contribute’’, The difference is coved through income generated from renting