Initiative shot in the arm to women empowerment and fight against harmful practices


January 29, 2018. Dar es Salaam. The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) has entered into agreement with the French Embassy in Tanzania to support development initiatives implemented by civil society organisations (CSOs) in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and Mara regions.


The small grant programme dubbed PISCCA (stands for Innovative projects from civil societies and coalitions of actors) aims at funding small-scale projects and development initiatives which contribute to strengthening the Tanzanian civil society and to promote social, economic and cultural rights in the country. Its main objectives are to support local initiatives, foster networking and synergies between stakeholders on the field and strengthen capacities of beneficiaries and civil society organizations.


Currently, a total of 4 grantees under management of Foundation namely NGONEDO, IWAPOA, Asylum Access and ATFGM will be implementing projects in the three regions for 9 months.

In the agreement, Foundation for Civil Society will provide special training and capacity building to the grantees while the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development (MFA) through its Embassy in Dar es Salaam will manage the programme.


The projects and its training were launched today by the French Ambassador to Tanzania, HE Ambassador Frederic Clavier and Foundation’s Executive Director Mr Francis Kiwanga.


“We welcome and appreciate this partnership with the French Embassy and their respective Ministry as a very important resource directed towards improving lives in our communities. The support will facilitate empowerment of women through various training initiatives, strengthen citizen accountability as well as the fight against harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital cut (FGM). Also it will help in building resilience of urban vulnerable population”