Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) an independent Tanzanian non-for-profit organization providing grants and capacity building services to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Tanzania. FCS would like to invite applications from credible, eligible and well-established service providers to express interest to supply/provide the following goods and services for the year 2025-2027



FCS will pre-qualify service providers (firms or individuals) who are fully registered and compliant with statutory requirements, including possession of a valid certificate of incorporation, TIN certificate, and business license.

Interested parties will need to upload a company or consultancy profile that highlights their qualifications for the services they wish to offer, as well as relevant samples of work and references.


Applications must be submitted digitally through Foundation for Civil Society’s website. Interested applicants are required to visit our website at, where the advertisement, detailed lots, and specific links for submission are provided.
The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is 3rd February, 2025. All applications will be reviewed electronically, and they will be opened on the same date


FCS is looking for various service providers under 9 different lots as shows on the table below.

Please note that:

● Each entity is permitted to submit bids for services in a maximum of two (2) lots, with no more than two (2) services per lot.

● The maximum file size for all uploads is 10mb

● Only upload files as PDF,  Word, Excel, or Image (JPG or PNG)


Services to be procured

Lot No. 1
Supply of Office Consumables and Services

● Office consumables in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma

● Air ticketing services

● Internet Service Provider

● Car Rental in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and Arusha

● Supply and Servicing of AC and Generator in Dar es Salaam & Dodoma

● Provision of Repair and Maintenance of FCS equipments and Machines in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma (plumbing, masons, carpenters & electrical persons)

● Hotel & Conference Venue in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Zanzibar and Arusha

● Catering services in Dar es salaam and Dodoma & Zanzibar

● Interior Designer in Dodoma & Dar

● Provision of ICT Hardware tools and maintenance services in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma (computers, printers and photocopies)

Lot No. 2
Supply of Communications Products

● Printing of Publications

● Production of branded promotional materials, e.g., Trophies, Tshirts, Cups, Bags, bottles, calendars, notebooks and other merchandise)

Lot No. 3
Provision of Audit, Assurance and Advisory Services

● External Audit for Grantees/Partners

● Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance Advisory Services

● Due Diligence services for FCS Partners

● Other technical advisory services (reviews, assessments related to HR, Operations, Finance and similar institutional functions)

Lot No. 4
Supply of Construction and Building Materials

● Construction materials service providers in Dodoma & Dar

● Design and build service providers in Dodoma and Dar

Consultants to be procured
Lot No. 5
Provision of Technical Digital Services

● Design of customized IT/Digital solutions for mass consumption

● Database and Systems Development and Maintenance

● ERP Design, Management and Maintenance

Lot No. 6
Provision of Technical Communication Services

● Graphics Designer

● Animator

● Illustrator

● Creative Communication Services (Editing, Writing)

● Social media influencers

● Translation services for documents (English and Kiswahili)

● Production of audio-visual communication products (including but not limited to documentaries, impact stories, photography services, video production, podcast services, live-streaming services)

● Mainstream Media Partners for dissemination of content

● Media buying and coordination services (mainstream and digital)

Lot No. 7
Provision of Event Management Services

● Master of Ceremony, event facilitation and moderation services

● Interpretation services in events (English/ Swahili/ French/ Spanish)

● Sign Language interpretation

● Event Planners and Coordinators (individuals or firms)

● Event Branding and Decor Services (firm)

● Protocol and ushering services

● PA System

● Entertainment services (live band, other forms of artists and performers)

● Rapporteuring and Reporting Services (Individual/Firm)

Lot No. 8
Provision of Training and Capacity Strengthening Services

● Consultant for Financial Advisory Services for FCS grantees and partners (Individuals)

● Policy Analysis Services (Individual/Firm)

● Consultancy on Organizational Development (Individual)

● Development of training manuals (on enterprise development, civic space and other subjects relevant to CSOs)

● Capacity enhancement sessions on Strategic Planning;  Governance and      Accountability   (Individual/Firm)

● Provision of technical advisory and assistance services on financial resilience and sustainability (including fundraising, mobilising support etc)

● Development of business plans tailored to civil society needs

Lot  No. 9
Provision of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services

● Research, technical evaluations and similar studies

● Production of learning products (policy briefs, white papers and similar technical write-ups)

● Media monitoring services

● Data collection and entry services

● Design and development of programs, including proposal development, design of results measurement frameworks and tools and similar products

Download Full document here

Executive Director

Foundation for Civil Society

7 Madai Crescent, Ada Estate, Plot 154

P.O Box 7192, Dar es Salaam.  Tel: +25522-2664890-2, Fax: +255 22-2664893


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