The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is determined to maintain the highest standards of integrity and work ethics among its staff and across all areas of activity, including but not limited to international development cooperation. We therefore maintain a policy of zero tolerance towards corruption in all its forms. 

About reporting corruption

If you have suspicion of misuse or encounter cases of corruption with funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, we request you to disclose your information through the report corruption webpage. Any member of the public may use this channel of communication.

The risk of corruption is a framework condition for development cooperation. However, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a zero tolerance towards corruption and reacts promptly when misuse of Danish funds is suspected or discovered.

Following § 4 in the Act on International Development Cooperation (in Danish: “lov om internationalt udviklingssamarbejde”), the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required to ensure openness in managing the development cooperation.

Furthermore, maximum openness and transparency is essential when fighting corruption, and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs thus practises a high degree of transparency. Initially launched as part of the transparency project in 2013, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes all cases of irregularities, including on-going cases, on its homepage, see link below.

Cases are published where there is credible/reasonable suspicion of highly irresponsible management, corruption or fraud relating to the Danish funds.

A formal process, known as a ‘c-case’, is initiated, and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs establishes a c-case report, a short summary of the specific incident.

At the time of publication, it will be assessed on a case-by-case basis whether any information should be exempted from disclosure under the Public Access to Information Act. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, reports available on the following page are not more than two years old. In case you need access to reports older than two years, please contact:

You can find published reports on this page: Link to c-cases published on UM.DK