Empowered citizens are more responsible on their community development

Amani Girls Home, a non-governmental organisation established in 2002, was primarily established to cater for street girls in Mwanza, Tanzania’s second biggest City, but it has since expanded its scope to other areas of social work. This includes community awareness campaigns, which is the subject of this story. “We have widened our scope to include Social Accountability Monitoring and tracking of public expenditure in education in our communities” says Vales Vuri, an official with Amani.   He notes that while the education capitation arrangement that provides Sh10,000 for each learner…

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FGM fight is one that we’ve to win

FGM fight is one that we’ve to win “It is a difficult fight, but it is a fight we have to win for the sake of hundreds of girls whose health, future educational prospects and esteem are jeopardized because of outdated, dangerous traditions,” says Mr. Valerian Mgani, the Project Manager with the Association for Termination of Female Genital Mutilation Association. This is a civil society organization (CSO), located in the Masanga Mission, Tarime District in Mara.   The harmful traditions Mgani is talking about are, one, female genital mutilation (FGM)…

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Challenges of Women Land and Property Rights in Meru District

Challenges of Women Land and Property Rights in Meru District The community challenge vs the project Community Economic Development and Social Transformation (CEDESOTA) initiated a Women Land and Property Rights project in Meru District in 2016 in order to lobby and advocate for women’s land and property rights in the district communities. Its purpose is changing harmful cultural/traditional and religious beliefs that are discriminative and oppressive towards women. These affect women in all facets of life, worst being denying them participation in family and community decision making as well as…

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School Clubs empower children against GBV in Arusha

School Clubs empower children against GBV in Arusha The Centre for Women and Children Development (CWCD) is implementing a two year project called Prevent and Respond to Gender Based Violence. This project is funded by Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) under the Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) cluster and it targets ten Wards of Arusha District, in northern Tanzania.   The project aims at creating awareness and address increased forms of gender based violence (GBV) towards Maasai women and children. These include child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), lack of land…

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Land Ownership in Hunter Gatherers and Pastoralists Communities

Land Ownership in Hunter Gatherers and Pastoralists Communities FCS grantee, Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT)  started a two-year project named “Promote Hunter Gatherers and Pastoralists Women Land Rights”. The project areas are in four villages of Lerug, Partimbo, Orkitkit and Amei in Kiteto District, Manyara region. Two hundred and forty (240) women were to be empowered under this project through Women’s rights and leadership forums with the expectation of having a total of a hundred women owning land through the Customary Certificates of Rights of Occupancy (CCROs).   Initial Situation…

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