Mahenge Championing Openness in Chikuti Village

The project The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) supported Kijogoo Group for Community Development to conduct a project on Public Expenditure Tracking System/Survey in Chikuti village, which is in Msogezi ward in Mahenge, Ulanga district about 230 kilometers from Morogoro Township in the Morogoro region. The project aimed at promoting and increasing accountability and transparency on the use of public resources. Amongst other activities, the project intended to build the capacity of communities and local leaders to effectively use village meetings to follow up on how public resources are used.…

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Improved inclusion, and social welfare for PWDs

With the support from Foundation for Civil Society, Tanzania League for the Blind (TLB) has been advocating for the rights of People with Disabilities (PWDs) to access important services. Unlike others, PWDs have special needs to help them live like other people without disabilities. This project on advocacy for the rights of PWDs has helped People with Disabilities live decent and improved lives and supports their inclusion. Before, PWDs were largely seen as non-productive or contributing members of the society thus relegated to the margins of community’s socio-economic spheres.  …

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CSO work with LGAs on Youth Empowerment in Busokelo

Mbeya has for a very long time been among regions constituting the bread-basket of Tanzania due to its prowess in agricultural production. She is endowed with vast swathes of fertile arable land, many water sources, hard-working people and the weather that allows farming throughout the year. This rich profile leaves Mbeya’s Youth with no excuse to not tap into the wealth of their region to improve their lives. Fortunately, there is more self-awareness among the Youth nowadays. And a thirst of participating and getting involved in development processes, resulting from…

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Villagers stand firm for their development in Kilolo district

Kilimbwa is a very remote village in Ibumu Ward in Kilolo District of Iringa region. It is a fairly new village, about 10 years old and a population that is growing very fast. The villagers here have begged and waited in vain for a school for so long. Their children were forced to attend school in far off neighbouring villages. One day they got tired and decided to build their own school with resources available in the village. This is their Story. A Story of change. A testimony on how…

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Government, CSOs and community cooperation empowers Youth in Mbeya city

It is very possible to transform Youth into an effective workforce that is self-aware of its place and responsibility in a community and the country. And by using Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), this is possible from the ground up, beginning at the grassroots communities where most social ills and challenges are found. A very good example is that of Youth groups in Mbeya City in Tanzania.   Boaz Mwasipu, an entrepreneur from Mbeya is a very different young man compared to what he was two years ago. He ran a…

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Mobilized to fight GBV in Arusha Chini

Introduction This project was made possible with support of the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) to Tusonge Community Development Organization. From the onset the project design had set out approaches such as facilitation, orientation, meetings and awareness campaigns to address various GBV challenges.   GBV has no territory Gender based violence knows no boundaries; it affects minority groups such as women and children in many culture, race, social classes across the nations.  It comprises of incidences and harmful traditions which fuel women and girls vulnerability. They may take various forms…

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Improved Self Care for PWA

On pathways With support of the Foundation for Civil Society in this project, Caritas has used a number of ways in reaching out to people for sensitization and raising awareness on PWA care. Such ways include organized formative training and workshops of which groups of teachers, students and pupils benefitted. It also facilitated school clubs to improve inclusion of PWA in school environment and beyond.   I learnt to care, thank you Caritas Teachers and Pupils of Furaha primary school which is designated for PWA also were part of the…

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Promising Future for Empowered People With Disabilities

Introduction Tanzania League for the Blind (TLB) ran a project on advocacy for People with Disabilities for 2 years, with support from the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) in Kwimba district, about 85 kilometers from the city of Mwanza. The project, among other objectives, sought to empower People with Diasabilities benefit from available opportunities which include economic ones.   Allies in empowerment The effective awareness and advocacy activities undertaken by TLB in collaboration with other stakeholders such as Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) and Chama Cha Viziwi Tanzania (CHAVITA)-Kwimba led to…

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Polygamy and Women’s Land Rights in Iringa

Ask yourself this. Honestly how many times have you ever heard polygamy in the same breath as any good story regarding women’s rights in society? Hardly maybe. We are heading to Igula Village, in Isimani area, Iringa region to follow up a very interesting story about one polygamous family. There are three of us – Fatma Tweve and Diana Ndanzi, respectively the Coordinator and Field Officer working with TARWOK, a civil society organisation implementing a project focusing on women land and property rights; and myself.   The situation regarding women…

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Through activities undertaken in this project by Tusonge, with support of the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) many issues pertaining to Gender Based Violence have come to the fore and in turn got the attention they deserve. As a result, sensitized women from among pastoralist communities who used to practice Female Genital Mutilations (FGM) as traditional circumcisers have shunned harmful practice and become agents of change in their communities.   A cutter abandoned FGM to save lives Tusonge sensitized and raised awareness of the pastoralist communities in Arusha Chini against…

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